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Pork-Barrel Projects Are a Billion-Dollar Drain on the Public Purse

One of the most farcical, and disturbing, aspects of political and public attitudes to government spending is how it is acceptable to launch attack after… Read More ›

Nudging Businesses towards Tax Compliance

“Are other taxpayers paying their fair share, or am I the only one?” Answers to questions like these are crucially important for own subsequent compliance… Read More ›

Broader GST Better Than Myriad Tax Increases

In the recent budget the Turnbull Government finally admitted that budget repair is both a spending and a taxing problem. While they remain committed to… Read More ›

Social Security and Welfare Spending in Australia: Assessing Long-Term Trends Part 5

Distribution of social benefits: How does Australia compare? The Australian social security system differs from the social insurance systems common in other high income countries,… Read More ›

Social Security and Welfare Spending in Australia: Assessing Long-Term Trends Part 4

How does Australia compare? The Australian social security system differs from those in most other countries. In Europe, the United States and Japan, most government… Read More ›
