He Kāhui Waiora: Living Standards Framework and He Ara Waiora, COVID-19: Impacts on Wellbeing, New Zealand Treasury Discussion Paper 20/02
Authors: Diana Cook, Phil Evans, Hana Ihaka-McLeod, Kara Nepe-Apatu, Jez Tavita and Tim Hughes (New Zealand Treasury)
The COVID-19 pandemic is having major impacts on our lives in ways that go far beyond health, extending across all dimensions of wellbeing and all population groups.
This paper presents the results of a ‘rapid evidence review’ of the potential impacts of COVID-19, and the associated economic recession, on the wellbeing of New Zealanders. The analysis identifies potential wellbeing impacts based on experiences of previous pandemics and recessions, as well as emerging data on and insights into the COVID-19 impacts.
On the blog
How NZ Tax Working Group Recommendations Differs From Previous Reviews? The Influence of the Living Standards Framework and Māori Principles, by Alison Pavlovich.
Māori Perspectives in the New Zealand Tax Working Group Report: Tikanga or Tokenistic Gestures? By Matthew Scobie and Tyron Love.
The Tax Working Group and Capital Gains Tax in New Zealand — A Missed Opportunity?, by Andrew Maples and Sue Yong.
The Tax Working Group and the Circular Economy: Context and Challenges, by Jonathan Barrett and Kathleen Makale.
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