The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has released four draft guidance documents for public consultation. This includes three new and one updated guidance document for tax practitioners.

The three new guidance documents explain with examples:

  • the types of services that constitute a tax agent service
  • the types of services that constitute a BAS service
  • the types of arrangements that determine if a tax agent or BAS service is being provided for a fee or other reward.

Releasing these documents, the TPB Chair Mr Ian Klug said, ‘These guidance documents will help those who are unsure to determine whether they should be registered with the TPB. There are significant penalties for those providing tax agent or BAS services for a fee or other reward without being registered with the TPB.’

The other draft document that the TPB has released for consultation is an update to the existing confidentiality of client information guidance. The TPB has now included guidance on how the confidentiality obligations apply to tax practitioners when they disclose information under the tax whistleblowing laws and non-compliance with laws and regulations (NoCLAR) framework.

Mr Klug said, ‘Tax practitioners play an important role in maintaining the integrity of tax system. This guidance assists tax practitioners in ensuring that when they report unlawful tax activities to eligible authorities, they are not breaching their confidentiality obligations under the Code of Professional Conduct.’

All four draft guidance are open for consultation until 12 September 2022. Submissions can be sent by email to [email protected] or by mail to Tax Practitioners Board, GPO Box 1620, Sydney NSW 2001.

Further information available here.

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