Organiser: ANU Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics
Date: Thursday 23 and Friday 24 November 2023
Venue: T2 Lecture Theatre, Level 2, Kambri Cultural Centre, ANU Building 153, Tangney Road, Acton.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is the most common form of violence women of all backgrounds experience. Despite the varied policy initiatives introduced in recent years, domestic violence rates in Australia and around the world remain high. There is still much to learn and do in order to achieve The National Plan’s goal that “Australian women and their children live free from violence in
safe communities”.
The overarching goal of this conference is to consider solutions to the social problem of gendered violence, with emphasis on the role that women’s economic and financial security can play.
It will feature academic speakers from many different fields of expertise as well as a policy and industry panel discussion covering topics ranging from labour market outcomes, gender inequality and financial abuse, to the legal and political determinants of IPV.
This conference is free to attend. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
The full conference program can be found here; further information and registration here.
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