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What Public Administration Functions Can the ATO Fulfil?

Does this seem like a trick question? After all isn’t the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) supposed to collect and report on the revenue raised from… Read More ›

An Interview with the Office for Tax Simplification

Is tax so complex that it needs its own office aimed at simplification? Miranda Stewart interviews Jeremy Sherwood, Director of the United Kingdom Office of… Read More ›

Welcome to Austaxpolicy

The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute is pleased to welcome you to our new blog, Austaxpolicy. Tax and transfers are all over the news. And… Read More ›

Genuine Tax Reform for Australia?

It seems that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison have embraced the need for genuine tax reform. At least they are prepared to… Read More ›

The Tax-Transfer System, Progressivity and Redistribution: How Progressive is the Australian Transfer System?

It has long been recognised that it is important to look at taxes and transfers together (Podger, Raymond and Jackson, 1980; Treasury, 2008) for three… Read More ›
