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Australian Tax Controversies and Human Rights

Increasing conflicts and fears of overreach by tax administrators have seen many countries generate taxpayer-specific statements of rights. Australia has a Taxpayer’s Charter but experience… Read More ›

First Inclusive Framework Meeting on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

The First Inclusive Framework Meeting on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) was held in Kyoto, Japan on 30 June -1 July 2016. I attended… Read More ›

Coalition’s “Emissions Trading Scheme” Commences

The Coalition’s safeguard mechanism is designed to ensure that affected facilities can readily comply by setting loose caps on emissions. It is unlikely to contribute… Read More ›

Navigating BEPS: Simulating a ‘Tax-Minimising’ Multinational’s Responses to Existing and Proposed Thin Capitalisation Regimes

One of the most significant trends in the evolution of global tax systems has been the rise from relative obscurity of thin capitalisation rules. These… Read More ›

The Contradictions of International Tax

Prompted by increased political populism globally and heinous financial revelations such as those in the Panama Papers, there is increasing pressure in Australia and elsewhere… Read More ›
