Government budgets are about more than the annual division of the money cake between government departments, policies and programs. While this is important because it keeps government functioning and tells us something about current policy settings and political vision, budgets collectively shape longer term directions and outcomes. This year’s panel brings together experts with backgrounds in the media, politics, the public sector and academia to discuss what the budget does (and doesn’t) contribute to Australia’s immediate future and out own arc of history.


Jane Halton AO, PSM – Former Secretary, Departments of Finance and Health; council member, Australian Strategic Policy Institute; and ANZ board member.

Professor Helen Sullivan – Director, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and the Institute of Public Administration Australia

Phil Coorey – Chief Political Correspondent, The Australian Financial Review

Dr John Hewson AM – Former leader of the Opposition and Chair, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU


Steve Sedgwick AO – Former Secretary, Departments of Finance and Education and Employment. Former Director, Asian Development Bank

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