The Victorian Public Accounts and Estimates Committee resolved at its meeting on 9 September 2019 to conduct an inquiry into Gender Responsive Budgeting.
The terms of reference for the inquiry require the Committee to:
- Review and seek advice on international and national developments in gender responsive budgeting
- Assess the status of the Victorian Public Sector’s gender responsive budgeting initiatives and what outcomes have been achieved to date
- Consider the current application of developments in gender responsive budgeting for both private and public organisations in Australia and overseas
- Investigate the implications of these developments for Victorian and Australian Public Sector accounting and reporting
- Review the extent to which the Victorian and Australian Public Sector should be required to publicly report on the positive outcomes and negative impacts of their activities to achieve gender equality
The Australian Government pioneered GRB in 1984 and continued to assess the impact of the Commonwealth Budget on women until the mid-1990s. Since 2016, the Victorian Government has produced a yearly Gender Equality Budget statement – a snapshot of funding commitments that benefit women. GRB promotes equality through the way budgets are constructed, funds are collected and spent, and outcomes achieved.
For further information and updates on the progress of the inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat or send an email to [email protected].
The Committee invites written submissions from individuals and organisations addressing one or more of the issues identified in the terms of reference.
The submission closing date is 2 December 2019.
Ways to make a submission:
- Email to [email protected].
- Hardcopy; send to:
The Executive Officer
Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
Parliament House
Spring Street
Further information is available here.
Vacancy: Lead researcher
The Parliament of Victoria is also looking for a lead researcher, which will lead the Committee’s inquiry into Gender Responsive Budgeting.
Further information is available here.
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