The TTPI Conference on Behavioural Economics and Public Policy (TTPI-BEPP2018) has concluded. You can now find selected speaker slides and audio recordings of the conference on the event page or from the links below.


Speaker slides

Improving tax compliance through behavioural insights, by Su Mon Kyaw-Myint (BETA team) and Sherolea Leonidas

Nudging geographic mobility: A non-financial approach to encourage trainee teachers to consider rural/remote NSW schools, by Alex King (Behavioural Insights Team NSW)

How to improve tax compliance? Evidence from countrywide experiments in Belgium, by Teodora Tsankova (University of Warwick)

Tax compliance in India: An experimental approach, by Suranjali Tandon (National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, India)

Can information about inequality and social mobility change preferences for redistribution? Evidence from randomized controlled trials in 12 high and middle-income countries, by Christopher Hoy (ANU Crawford School of Public Policy)

Risk adjustment and early academic outcomes of funded children with disability, by Cain Polidano (Melbourne Institute)

Rewarding commitment to attend school: A field experiment with indigenous Australian high school students, by Azhar Potia (Queensland University of Technology)

Behavioural public policy and poverty, by Katherine Curchin (ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods)

Applying the EAST framework to email reminders, by Kevin Chadwick (ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods)

Nudging businesses to pay their taxes: Does timing matter? by Christian Gillitzer (University of Sydney)

Cash and the hidden economy – Laboratory and artefactual field experimental evidence on fighting tax evasion in small business transactions, by Uwe Dulleck (Queensland University of Technology)

Financial stress and future preference, by Nicholas Biddle (ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods)


Audio Recordings

Thursday 9 August Keynote Address: Nudging, Shoving and Budging: Behavioural Economic-Informed Policy Frameworks, by Adam Oliver (London School of Economics)

Friday 10 August Keynote Address: Applying Behavioural Insights to Public Policy, by Alex Gyani (Behavioural Insights Team NSW)

Thursday 9 August Session 1: Olena Stavrunova (University of Technology Sydney) and Alex King (Behavioural Insights Team NSW)

Thursday 9 August Session 2: Teodora Tsankova (University of Warwick), Suranjali Tandon (National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, India) and Christopher Hoy (ANU Crawford School of Public Policy)

Thursday 9 August Session 3: Cain Polidano (Melbourne Institute), Azhar Potia (Queensland University of Technology) and Nicholas Salamanca (Melbourne Institute)

Friday 10 August Session 1: Paul Jenkins (University of Canberra), Katherine Curchin (ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods) and Kevin Chadwick (ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods)

Friday 10 August Session 2: Christian Gillitzer (University of Sydney), Uwe Dulleck (Queensland University of Technology) and Nicholas Biddle (ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods)

Friday 10 August Panel Discussion with Jennie Granger (former Director General HMRC), David Gruen (Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet), Andrew Leigh (Shadow Assistant Treasurer) and Jane Mitchell (Behavioural Insights Team, ATO)


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