Associate Professor Ben Phillips of the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods will be providing an introduction to ‘PolicyMod’, the recently developed ANU tax and transfer policy simulator. The presentation will detail the policies that are modelled and the underlying data and methodologies.
The presentation will provide an overview of the model’s capability including distributional modelling, distributional effective tax rates, long term projections to 2054, cameo modelling. The presentation will also discuss extensions to other indirect government benefits and taxes such as the GST and stamp duty.
An example of the model’s capability will be showcased via a simulation of the government’s new childcare subsidy and changes to family payments.
Details of the seminar are as below:
Date: Wednesday, 26th April 2017
Time: 1:45pm to 2:45pm
Venue: Jean Martin Room, Level 3, Beryl Rawson Building, ANU
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