Submissions deadline: Friday 13 July 2018.

The Australian Government has asked the Productivity Commission to undertake a 12-month inquiry into the competitiveness and efficiency of Australia’s superannuation system. This represents the third stage of the Commission’s review of the competitiveness and efficiency of Australia’s superannuation system.

Draft report
The Commission seeks further information following the release of its draft report on 29 May 2018. You are invited to examine the draft report and to make written submissions by Friday 13 July 2018.

The inquiry is required to assess whether Australia’s superannuation system is competitive and efficient and to make recommendations to improve outcomes for members and system stability, and to reduce barriers to the competitiveness and efficiency of the system.

The assessment should be based on the five system level objectives, 22 assessment criteria, and 89 corresponding indicators set out in the Commission’s stage 1 report and informed by the findings from the stage 2 report.


To make a submission on the draft report or find more information, please visit the submissions page and the terms of reference.

(Source: Productivity Commission | Draft report | Overview)

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