The Tax Administration Research Centre undertakes research on tax administration in order to strengthen the theoretical and empirical understanding of tax policy and its practical operation. The 6th Annual TARC Conference will be held at the University of Exeter on April 23rd and 24th, 2018.
Submissions in all areas of tax administration are invited from any perspective including accounting, economics, psychology and law. Empirical, experimental, and theoretical papers are equally welcome, as are contributions from practitioners. Papers with a focus on the challenges facing tax administrations in light of digital developments and debt management concerns will be particularly welcome.
The organisers will contribute to the travel costs and accommodation of all presenters.
Those wishing to submit a paper should email an abstract of no more than 500 words, along with their contact details and institutional affiliation, by the close of business Friday 29th January 2018 to [email protected]
The final programme will be announced by mid-February 2017. Full papers will be required by Friday 6th April 2018.
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