Per Capita has released the ‘Tax Survey 2019‘, now in its ninth year of reporting. The survey provides a comprehensive, regular snapshot of Australians’ attitudes to taxation and public spending. Taken between 9 and 19 January 2019, it used a demographically representative sample group of 1,523 Australians.
As in previous years, Per Capita notes, the findings of the survey contain surprises and insights. This year, the survey finds a sharp fall in the proportion of respondents who are personally willing to pay more tax to fund essential services such as health, aged care and education. However, Australians still want to see government spending more on such services; they strongly believe that the wealthy and big business are not paying their fair share, and support for a cap on the extent to which the wealthy can use tax deductions is overwhelming.
Key findings for 2019 are:
- 7 in 10 Australians support higher government spending on public services.
- But in an era of wage stagnation and revelations of corporate tax avoidance, more Australians believe they cannot contribute more personally in their taxes.
- Australians in the upper-middle income bracket believe they are paying too much tax.
- Respondents strongly support the removal of tax concessions which allow people and companies to reduce their tax.
- 56% of respondents think there should be a crack down on corporate tax avoidance to pay for more services. 40% think tax revenue should be raised by raising tax on the top 5% of income earners.
- At least three quarters of respondents of every political alignment believe corporate tax avoidance makes our tax system less fair.
- 56% of respondents say negative gearing should either be restricted or abolished.
- 62% support a cap on tax deductions for high income earners.
- Just over half of respondents supported a raise to the rate of Newstart, including 65% of Labor voters and 61% of Greens and voters and those likely to vote for independent candidates.
(Source: Per Capita release | Read the report)
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