In response to a request from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministers, the OECD presented the report Combatting Tax Crimes More Effectively in APEC Economies at the APEC meetings in Santiago, Chile. Recognising the critical role that the fight against tax crimes and other illicit financial flows plays in building resilient economies, the report was called for in APEC’s Cebu Action Plan, a roadmap for a more sustainable financial future for the APEC region.

The report draws on international best practice as well as examples and successful practices of APEC economies, focusing on the legal instruments, policy tools, and capacity building initiatives that are available to enhance the fight against tax crimes in APEC economies. It highlights the standard setting and best practices that are available to APEC countries to adopt, as well as the capacity building initiatives and the evaluation and impact measurement tools that are available to them.

The report also includes a call to action, which explores practical measures to enhance the capacity of APEC Economies to combat tax crime, including through increased use of the recently established OECD Asia-Pacific Academy for Tax and Financial Crime Investigation, hosted in Tokyo, Japan, and the OECD Latin America Academy for Tax and Financial Crime Investigation in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


(Source: OECD Tax)

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