Parenthood, an advocacy group for Australian parents, has released a new report calling for free childcare and better paid parental leave. The report also includes a new economic modelling, which suggests a strategic approach to best practice policies could increase GDP by 4.1 per cent in 2050 or $166 billion.

Making Australia the best place in the world to be a parent recommends significant investment in:

  • Universal health and wellbeing support for parents and children through pregnancy and the early years;
  • A paid parental leave (PPL) scheme that provides one year of paid leave to be equally
    shared between both parents;
  • Free and high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) for all families; and
  • Flexible and supportive workplaces with universal access to paid carers’ leave for
    sick children.

The report indicates that the combined impact of these recommended policies would:

  • Enhance childhood development and lift long term productivity.
  • Increase female participation and productivity, reducing the gender gap in workforce
    participation and earnings.





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