The Fiscal and Fairness Implications of the Stage 3 Income Tax Cuts: Concerns from the Community and Welfare Sector
Date & time: Tuesday 18 April 2023, 6 pm – 7.30pm (AEST)
Mode: Hybrid (G08 Lecture Theatre, Law Building (106), 185 Pelham Street, Carlton & online)
The Tax Law and Policy research program of the Melbourne Centre for Commercial Law and the Melbourne Social Equity Institute is hosting a hybrid seminar on the fiscal and fairness implications of the Stage 3 income tax cuts.
The panel of the seminar includes:
- Cassandra Goldie (ACOSS)
- Guyonne Kalb (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research)
- Roger Wilkins (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research)
- Miranda Stewart (Melbourne Centre for Commercial Law and of Taxation Studies)
- Kathryn James (Melbourne Law School)
- Peter Mares (Independent writer)
- Jo Barraket (Melbourne Social Equity Institute)
The seminar is the first in a series of events organised by the Community Tax Project – an alliance between the academic and community and welfare sectors to advocate on tax policy and reform to better achieve social and economic justice. The project is supported by the Tax Law and Policy research program at the Melbourne Centre for Commercial Law and with funding provided by the Melbourne Social Equity Institute and the Australian Research Council (DE190100346).
Further information available here.
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