The Editorial Board of the Curtin Law and Taxation Review (CLTR) invites contributions from academic staff, legal scholars, practitioners, justice professionals and postgraduate researchers for possible publication in the 2019 issue of the CLTR.

The CLTR is a general law journal which also publishes articles that deal with taxation law and practice. The 2019 editorial team plans to publish between 8 and 10 articles, book reviews and comments in the 2019 issue. A competitive editorial policy will apply to the selection of articles. The CLTR satisfies the requirements to be regarded as peer reviewed as contained in current Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) Specifications (C1 Category).

Articles should be up to 10,000 words in length (maximum) including footnotes. Authors should note that CLTR has adopted the Australian Guide to Legal Citation ( as its style guide for referencing.

Please submit articles for this issue via email to Victoria Barker, Editorial Consultant of the CLTR at [email protected] by Sunday 30 June 2019.

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