The Labour Econometrics Workshop is an annual workshop hosted by a different university each year. This is the 23rd edition and will be hosted online by Monash Business School, in partnership with the University of Melbourne’s Department of Economics, on 26 and 27 August 2021.

This event provides an opportunity for researchers in labour economics and applied econometrics to share and discuss their latest research. The organising committee will select a blend of papers by established researchers and junior scholars from a broad range of research areas including macro-labour, health, education, family, public and behavioural economics.

Keynote Speakers

Submit papers

Submission of full papers (preliminary and incomplete drafts are welcome and will not be circulated) or extended abstracts (around 3000 words) is welcome. The submission deadline is 15 June, and the selection of papers will be finalised by 30 June. Submissions should be sent to [email protected].

Further information available here.

Organising committee


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