This year’s Global Tax Symposium will address topics crossing the spheres of taxation and human development. The organiser is now calling for papers that may address principled, theoretical or pragmatic issues connected to tax matters and development. This includes responding to the COVID-19 pandemic or addressing a country’s controversial policy, or development issue that has been solved creatively through taxes.
The organiser is also interested in papers on international taxation issues that might be of relevance for the current global tax agenda, across the broad range from individual taxation, wealth taxes, the digitalisation of the economy, to artificial intelligence used in tax matters, and other important issues.
The deadline for submissions is 10 May 2021 and decisions will be communicated by 15 June 2021.
The 2021 Global Tax Symposium will take place on 8 and 9 December 2021, either online or in a hybrid format. This year’s symposium is organised by the GLOBTAXGOV ERC-funded project at Leiden University, the London School of Economics, the University of Louvain, the University of Melbourne and the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (India).
Further information available here.
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