The main focus of the Steuerrechtswissenschaftliche Vereinigung Heidelberg e.V. is to support research and teaching in the field of national, international, and European public finance and tax law at the Institute for Public Finance and Tax Law of Heidelberg University. Therefore, the Steuerrechtswissenschaftliche Vereinigung awards research fellowships to excellent international tax reseachers in order to enable them to conduct a defined research project at the Institute and to engage in scholarly interaction.

Eligilibity requirements

The Heidelberg Tax Research Fellowship is open to all international scholars who intend to conduct a research project that correlates with the Institute’s fields of research. Priority will be given to researchers at an early stage of their scientifc career (doctorate and post-doctorate level). The fellows are expected to spend their fellowship in residence, to present their research project at the regular work-in-progress seminars and to publish its outcome with reference to the fellowship award.

Fellowship awards

The fellows have access to the Institute’s library and to other research infrastructure of the Institute, a shared desk and computer space and the opportunity to sit in selected advanced classes with the instructors’ permission. In addition, fellows are strongly encouraged to participate in the Institute’s academic life which includes public lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops and lunch discussions.

In addition, fellows will receive a grant that will be specified on an individual basis. It is expected, however, that the major part of living expenses and travel costs is borne by the fellow or his/her home institution. The fellowship will be granted for a period of at least one month and up to a maximum of twelve months.

Deadline for submissions

Applications may be submitted at any time, at least eight weeks prior to the intended research stay.

Applying for the fellowship

In order to apply for a Heidelberg Tax Research Fellowship, please provide the following information:

  • Cover letter (one page maximum)
  • Curriculum vitae (three pages maximum)
  • List of publications
  • Project description (1,000 words maximum)

Applications should be submitted via e-mail to [email protected].

Further information, please check here.

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