Recently, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has been leading the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP). This project involves linking of data from the Census to administrative data from three sources – an individual tax payer database, an income support database, and a government-funded health services database. This unique database has only just been made available (in a deidentified format) to external academic researchers. This paper provides a first external analysis of the linked dataset, with the following substantive and methodological focuses:
- The background to MADIP and the four component datasets (the Census, and the three administrative datasets);
- The linkage process and the quality of the linked data;
- What can the data tell us about the distribution of income in Australia, taking into account taxable income and income-support status;
- Mobility across the income distribution, and how that relates to demographic and geographic characteristics;
- Whether there are differences by race and ethnicity in taxable income, controlling for observable human capital characteristics; and
- The implications for linkage of large survey datasets to administrative databases, including the policy recommendations that might result.
The ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods (CSRM) will hold a seminar:
Time: 2pm to 3pm
Date: Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Venue: Jean Martin Room, 3rd Floor, Beryl Rawson Building, ANU
Presenter: Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle
Co-authors: Professor Robert Breunig (TTPI Director) and Dr Francis Markham
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