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The European Fiscal Board: Challenges and Opportunities

The European Union decided in October 2015 to establish a European Fiscal Board (EFB). The EFB is an “independent advisory board on fiscal matters,” with… Read More ›

Means Testing Public Pensions: A Policy Option for an Ageing Population

Large projected fiscal burdens due to population ageing have caused many countries to increase the access age of their old age pensions. The average pensionable… Read More ›

US Republican Tax Plan: The Potentially Dire Impact on US Retailing

The US Republican party is proposing substantial changes to the US corporate tax system, which President Donald Trump supports with some reservations. The headline change… Read More ›

An Interview with Professor Jane Millar, OBE

The financial hardship of poor working families represents a key policy challenge in many countries. Sue Regan interviews Jane Millar, Professor of Social Policy at… Read More ›

Participatory Budgeting: The Next ‘Big Thing’ in Australian Local Government?

Australian governments of all levels are increasingly familiar with two trends in public budgeting. Firstly, the pressure to deliver ‘more with less’ in public budgets;… Read More ›
